Once you are ready to take the certification exam, you can easily schedule it online through your myDASCA dashboard. DASCA provides 180 days from the registration completion date for the candidates to study, prepare for, and take their exams. It is strongly recommended that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the exam policies prior to scheduling the exam.
Read more about the exam scheduling policy here.
Note: PDS™ candidates get a time period of 365 days from the registration completion date to complete the requirements.After passing the DASCA certification exam and meeting other conditions defined by the DASCA Professional Certifications Board (DPCB), the results are published within 96 business hours of taking and successfully passing the exam.
Once the results are published, the Digital Badge will be made immediately available to you. You can expect to receive the credential kit, which includes a printed certificate, lapel pin, and the DASCA code of ethics booklet, within 3-4 weeks from the date of the award. You will also receive an email containing details of your digital badge, allowing you to showcase your achievement on social platforms. After receiving your award, you will be able to use the designation after your name.
Maintaining your certification by renewing or upgrading is mandatory to ensure that it remains valid and up to date. It's best to renew your credential before the Standard Credential Renewal deadline, as this shows your continuing competence and dedication to the profession. DASCA will send you reminder emails about renewing your credential, and you can easily renew by clicking the links in these emails or by logging into your myDASCA account. You must ensure that your registered email address is current.
You can also check if you qualify for an upgrade, which requires meeting specific eligibility requirements. Upgrading your certification allows you to demonstrate advanced skills and knowledge in your field, providing you with greater professional recognition and career opportunities.
To upgrade your certification, you must pay the fee by logging into your myDASCA dashboard. You need to complete the required Declaration on Continuous Learning for Professional Development, along with the candidacy norms. The decision is usually communicated in a timeframe of 3-5 business days. Following upgrade approval, the updated digital badge is issued within 2-3 business days, and the new credential certificate is shipped within 3 to 4 weeks of address confirmation.
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