Exam Development/dasca-certification-examinations/exam-development

Exam Development

HOME Certification Examinations Exam Development

DASCA exams are built by the industry, for the industry. We draw the content for the exams from a combination of industry-wide survey feedback and contributions from our team of volunteer subject matter experts. The result is a rigorous exam development process representing thousands of hours spent exceeding the knowledge standards the industry expects. In addition, the exam-delivery, management, and security standards adopted by DASCA are aligned to the most stringent of the international certification testing and professional skills evaluation standards, and managed by experts with experience of delivering thousands of high–stakes exams every year across the globe for business and non-business clients.

Listed below are some of the key activities that DASCA mandates as essential for all its exam-developers as well as external exam-delivery partners to consider:

Subject matter experts (SMEs)

Subject matter experts are used in focus groups, item writing sessions, and item review sessions. DASCA estimates that 5,000 subject matter expert hours are required to develop one exam.

Exam Technologists

A team of trained Exam Technologists assists the development, review, and maintenance of the Exam interface and delivery of a DASCA exam. This ensures that exam-taking is least encumbered or disrupted by technology factors, and examinees have a smooth exam-taking experience, without disturbances from breakdowns.

Exam Environment Designers

A team of specially trained experts design the standards of environment in which certification exams should be ideally taken or delivered. These professionals work closely with the Exam Security Experts to ensure the upkeep of the integrity of certification-testing.

Exam Security Experts

A team of specially trained web technologists, ethical hackers and programmers constantly work on improving surveillance and proctoring standards using modern technology.


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